
Lucy the Boston Terrier, credit Kirsten Akens 2015

Today's prompt from Rachel Cole's Savor project is focused on rest.

I think about rest a lot.

Rest is my work.

As a restorative yoga teacher, I preach rest. I guide people through an hour or more of deep rest and relaxation. And I know when it's been successful when their faces shift. Closed-lip half-smiles. Drowsy eyes. Skin that shimmers.

Bodies that move slower, steps that are smoother.

They breathe differently.

I recognize deep rest in my students because I've felt it in my own body. If I could give every person in this world a practice for better health, it would involve daily rest. (Myself included. I'm pretty good at it, but I can always use a reminder.)

Take time out of your day to:

  • sit
  • stare at the wall
  • breathe with intention
  • meditate
  • reflect
  • snuggle with your cat or pup
  • hang out for 15 minutes in a supported Legs Up the Wall yoga pose at home, or
  • find a great restorative yoga class to take. ;-)

Not only will your body move better and your brain work better when you need them to, you'll sleep better.

Just call me Dr. Kirsten, and consider this your script.